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Hard to believe but this is a free skin. I am mightily impressed. The place? TnO (Tir na nOg) adult.  The lips and eyebrows are simply gorgeous.  This is a modded version of the shape that comes with.

Psst!  It is free for SL Free and Offers members.  A quick peak tells me that there are some interesting nearby stores too. SO nice to find new places.

This outfit is a melding of group gifts from PRISM. Now I used to feature PRISM a lot in my youth, so I was happy to find the shop again. Best news for those of you without bare feet -- the ones you see are part of this month's group gift. The box is missing its alpha foot layer but many boot or sandal alphas will work.

Past group gifts are on a wall nearby. There are also hunts going on so slap the hunt hint board and you can see what you would be searching for. Some nice stuff there.

Pose by: A City Animations


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